Margaux Ronciere
Here are the albums I listen to the most, as well as the artists that created them.
They are followed by my favorite songs from each of those albums.
English Albums
- Blonde, Frank Ocean
- Nights
- Seigfried
- White Ferrari
- Nikes
- Man On The Moon: The End Of Day, Kid Cudi
- Soundtrack 2 My Life
- Day 'N' Nite (nightmare)
- Man On The Moon
French Albums
- Jeannine, Lomepal
- X-men
- Trop beau
- Plus de larmes
- Le vrai moi
- Ipséité, Damso
- Dieu ne ment jamais
- Kietu
- Kin la belle
- La fête est finie, Orelsan
- Tout va bien
- Notes pour trop tard
- San
- Deux frères, PNL
- Chang
- Blanka
- Shenmue
- La misère est si belle